The Dispossessed by Ursula K. Le Guin

My book club read this in January, the month in which we read science fiction. I ultimately chose this one for the club as the voting for what to read was tied. I chose it because it is a classic of the genre published in 1974 that won both the Hugo and Nebula Awards.

The main character Shevek is from Anarres, one of two sister planets. Many years before the plot of the novel, the settlers of Anarres fought a revolution on the other sister planet, Urras. The revolutionaries left Urras to found their anarchist utopia on Anarres. These many years later, things have devolved somewhat from their revolutionary roots and Shevek goes back to Urras in part to exercise his freedom as an anarchist. Things naturally don’t all go as expected.

This is a very philosophical novel, and I found it a bit slow. Still, it was engaging and interesting, if a bit dry at times. Unlike most utopias, this one is not perfect. In fact, much of the book explores how the revolution on Anarres devolved over the centuries. It was also fun to experience what it might be like to live without laws.

My rating: 4/5

One thought on “The Dispossessed by Ursula K. Le Guin

  1. “It was also fun to experience what it might be like to live without laws.”

    May be where our country is currently headed?

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